
Welcome to the Workgroup of California Community College Historians and Political Scientists’ website.

The Workgroup is focused on promoting the American Institutions and Ideals course requirements at the California Community College (CCC), California State University (CSU), and University of California (UC) systems.

American Institutions and Ideals courses include history, political science, and related academic disciplines.

Goals of the Workgroup

  1. Develop clear and compelling messaging about why American Institutions and Ideals is a crucial requirement and should not be changed. Creating a “one-pager” policy statement is a high priority. 
  2. Recruiting signers of the CSU History Council’s letter to meet with state representatives and inform them of the importance of American Institutions and Ideals (AI) requirement.
  3. Use when appropriate the playbook of Communication Studies faculty across the state in advocating for their representation in the new CalGETC requirements.
  4. Reach out to CSU and UC colleagues, CC faculty members in other disciplines, and national organizations like the AHA and APSA.

Take Action

  1. Read our SP19 Resolution and SP23 Resolution and FA23 Resolution
  2. Present at your local Academic Senate
  3. Sign onto our FA23 Memo to CCC BOG
  4. Contact your State Legislators
  5. Join the Workgroup


  • December 15, 2023
  • October 27, 2023
  • September 22, 2023
  • June 2, 2023